Alien Worlds: A Paradoxical Documentary
The alien worlds are not the appeal of this show, as strange as that sounds. You only get five broken minutes or so of CGI footage per episode.
By Brandon Scott on Dec 30th, 2020
The alien worlds are not the appeal of this show, as strange as that sounds. You only get five broken minutes or so of CGI footage per episode.
By Brandon Scott on Dec 21st, 2020
Klaus is a heartwarming, magical, wonderful film that does what the best Disney and Pixar movies manage and is instantly a classic.
By Brandon Scott on Dec 16th, 2020
Would this be the fated series that does all the awesome things the movies did but with even more content?
By Brandon Scott on Dec 14th, 2020
Blood of Zeus excited me immensely when I first heard about it. I’m a big Greek Mythology nerd, and the idea of the myths with anime sensibilities was captivating.
By Brandon Scott on Dec 2nd, 2020
Did you remember that Hercules (the animated series) exists? Because I didn’t and it’s frankly a shame. At least from the first episode, Hercules is kind of amazing—if you like Greek mythology, that is.
By Brandon Scott on Nov 25th, 2020
The thing about reviewers and critics is that we sometimes get overwhelmed with the sameness of media—and thus crave anything unique.
By Brandon Scott on Nov 18th, 2020
Goosebumps cannot be ignored for the power it holds in modern culture.
By D. Alexander on Nov 11th, 2020
(Hello! Welcome to a new mini-series of sorts I’m calling “It Came From The Archives!” where we highlight old articles that we’ve had on the site. Don’t worry, there’s still plenty of our usual content coming out, we just wanted to pay tribute to our older articles. Enjoy this blast from the past! – Brandon…
By Brandon Scott on Nov 9th, 2020
I was almost completely dismissive.
But then I saw the trailer.
This seems like something different.
By Brandon Scott on Oct 30th, 2020
Doctor Who is a fun, campy show most of the time, but it occasionally decides to terrify. The Daleks are the most famous example, but there’s more to see than just one evil alien race. More twisted, disturbing, and dark things out in that universe.
By Brandon Scott on Oct 26th, 2020
ParaNorman is a scrappy little film and an excellent example of how you can lean into genre fandom and come out with something amazing.
By Brandon Scott on Oct 21st, 2020
She-Ra is not only a good show, but perhaps a great one. It’s a child-friendly epic fantasy. Warring factions and ancient magic and large battles dominate its plot. It has a much closer feel to Avatar than Barbie, with good writing and strong characters.