Mythic Deck Tech: Izzet Phoenix (56% Winrate): Part 2
Ready to see why I picked the cards I did for this Mythic rank deck? Well, let’s go!
By Brandon Scott on Jun 23rd, 2021
Ready to see why I picked the cards I did for this Mythic rank deck? Well, let’s go!
By Brandon Scott on Jun 21st, 2021
Any time I make Mythic, I want to share with you the deck that got me there. This time, however, it’ll double as a deck tech for how to play one of the most powerful and well-known decks in Bof1 Historic.
By Brandon Scott on May 24th, 2021
Introducing the Mystical Archive cards to Historic has led to a lot of new decks, new strategies, and even some revivals of old options like Arclight Phoenix. I think no one would argue against them being a cool idea.
By Brandon Scott on Apr 28th, 2021
Another Magic set comes out, and the meta is upset again. So, as I always try to do, I’ll give my first impressions/predictions for what this set will mean for Standard and Historic.
By Brandon Scott on Mar 5th, 2021
Genesis Midrange rewards understanding when you can ignore your opponent’s attackers and go for the ramp win and when you need to stall.
By Brandon Scott on Mar 1st, 2021
This deck can easily and routinely jump ahead two turns at a time in mana advantage and cast something big before they can respond to it.
By Brandon Scott on Feb 8th, 2021
As I tend to do when a new set comes out, I wanted to give my first impressions of Kaldheim. I wanted to cover what I think might happen with it in Standard and Historic (the two modes I play the most.)
By Brandon Scott on Jan 18th, 2021
And, as a happy and average player, I want to describe the appeal of the F.I.R.E. (“fun,” “inviting,” “replayable,” and “exciting”) philosophy.
By Brandon Scott on Nov 4th, 2020
The current standard is one of the most balanced we’ve had in a while. It took a ton of bannings, a lot of failed experiments, but WOTC has gotten it to a good place.
By Brandon Scott on Sep 28th, 2020
Zendikar Rising snuck up too fast to cover the set before it came out, and I don’t draft enough to have a good sense of the whole card pool. But there is one aspect of the new set I think needs to be discussed.
By Brandon Scott on Sep 11th, 2020
I’ve been playing a lot of Historic lately. The card pool is so deep and there are so many brutal decks running around that it feels like Modern, and I am all for that. As a Spike, I like to play strong cards with strong interactions. Which is why I’m playing control. But what version…
By Brandon Scott on Aug 3rd, 2020
The Big And Powerful Deck Left Standing (Note from the editor: This article was written before the August 3rd banning of Wilderness Reclamation. We hope you’ll still enjoy reading it, as it was meant to be about overpowered decks in general, and was only using Temur Rec as an example.) The recent bans that did…