All Systems Red: An Uneven First Book
The Murderbot Diaries is one of those series that is super popular and well-regarded, but it was not really on my radar until I went into this review for its first book, All Systems Red.
By Brandon Scott on Nov 20th, 2023
The Murderbot Diaries is one of those series that is super popular and well-regarded, but it was not really on my radar until I went into this review for its first book, All Systems Red.
By Brandon Scott on Nov 17th, 2023
The mystery of the cube and what it means are finally revealed today. Well, some of its secrets. There is always more to learn when it comes to things beyond our understanding.
By Brandon Scott on Nov 15th, 2023
Tantalus Depths is the kind of book that the right audience will love. It’s a solid combination of cosmic horror, somewhat-hard science fiction, and has sprinkles of space epic. And perhaps its biggest triumph is how it balances those three things in an organic, unfolding way that never feels like a hard genre shift.
By Brandon Scott on Nov 13th, 2023
Congratulations SAG-AFTRA! You fought hard and for so long, and you won! That’s so incredible! Your members help make the art we love possible, and it’s so wonderful to hear that you and the WGA struck a victory for the fair treatment of creatives!
By Brandon Scott on Nov 10th, 2023
The cube is back, as it always was going to be. There are impossible things afoot in the second part of this story. Strange happenings that will change the course of our main character’s life.
By Brandon Scott on Nov 8th, 2023
I’d not read anything by T. Kingfisher before this novel, but given the grace of the prose, The Hollow Places will not be the last. She’s shown her sureness within both this subgenre and in the art of simply telling a good story.
By Brandon Scott on Nov 6th, 2023
Starting worst and going toward best, this is a shorter but much more spoiler-heavy breakdown of these six spooky tales.
By Brandon Scott on Nov 3rd, 2023
So many stories start with something inexplicable happening. Something that seems impossible. In this case, that thing is a cube.
By Brandon Scott on Nov 1st, 2023
I Found a Circus Tent in the Woods Behind My House is a stark contrast to the first book in the “I Found Horror” series. It’s technically the second book, but was published first. I’m unsure of why it’s set up that way, except perhaps to give a better starting impression.
By Brandon Scott on Oct 31st, 2023
As is our tradition around here, we’ve got an extra short story for you, delivered by me, your humble Fictionmonger. And written by our usual prolific scribe, Brandon Scott.
By Brandon Scott on Oct 30th, 2023
“Big Bad” made for an interesting end to the Creature Feature collection. It’s the only story in it that fits within any of my preconceived expectations. It’s about a werewolf. The werewolf follows normal horror werewolf rules (as opposed to paranormal werewolf rules), and the story has a lot of gore and tense moments in it.
By Brandon Scott on Oct 27th, 2023
I stared at the adult person, or adult person-shaped thing, standing there. They didn’t do anything at first. I risked glancing back to make sure that there wasn’t a second ghost person in the mirrored corner. There wasn’t. That didn’t make me feel better.