Categories: F.F.The Latest

FRIDAY FICTION: Something Vicked…

LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, may I have your attention, please? You’ve been patient. You’ve been diligent. You’ve been loyal. Now, for demonstrating such tremendous qualities, such incredible attributes, such unbelievable resolve, you shall be rewarded! Friends, bloggers, Earthlings, lend me your ears! The time has come, yet again, for you to get your proper dose of excitement, adventure, and intrigue! People of the Net, without further delay, I present to you this week’s FRRRRRRRRRRIDAY FICTION!


…Sam, play it.

*Cue music.*

All right folks, tonight we have a—*record scratch*—huh? Hey, hey hold on there. Hey, who are you? What are you doing here? Hey, back away, all of you! That’s enough! I have a microphone and I’m not afraid to—GAH! NO, NO, NO! STOP! AGH! PLEASE!

Ahehehehem, good evening. It is I, Count Spatula!

*Cue organ music.*

BLEH! Tonight you vill not be getting your traditional Friday Fiction, for my followers and I have commandeered this station. From this point forvard, you vill only read vhat ve approve, and tonight ve are approving something very special, something that vill carry forth throughout the veekend! First, you vill receive a preview of our story. Then, on Sunday, the Day of Blood, you vill see the finished product, a grand finale for our veek-long event!

So, ahehehehem, “vithout further delay,” I present to you a taste of vhat is to come

Remember, everyvone…

…Sunday, Sunday, Sunday.

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D. Alexander

Stories are important. Stories feed the mind and inspire the heart. They lift the spirit and challenge the imagination. They have the ability to predict what the future will be, and have the power to reveal the past in a light unseen before. Stories take people to worlds they thought never existed, worlds they thought couldn't exist. But they can, and they do. Stories make them a reality. Stories make them into truth. Don’t underestimate them (don’t tell me you haven’t before, we all have, even me). They are, collectively, the gateway to utopias, dystopias, kingdoms, planets and universes unlike anything on Earth—or, in some cases, all too much like Earth. Stories can wake people up from their brainwashed states and get them active in the world, doing things they wouldn't have had they not heard or read or seen them. Stories can save lives. DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE STORIES, AND DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE YOUR ABILITY TO CREATE THEM.

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