Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention, please? You’ve been patient. You’ve been diligent. You’ve been loyal. Now, for demonstrating such tremendous qualities, such incredible attributes, such unbelievable resolve, you shall be rewarded! Friends, bloggers, Earthlings, lend me your ears! The time has come, yet again, for you to get your proper dose of excitement, adventure, and intrigue! People of the Net, without further delay, I present to you this week’s Friday Fiction!
This week, we have a story for you that was not written with the desire to simply shock, rather intrigue. It is one of many layers, levels which may take time to wholly grasp, but which are worth discovering. Ladies and gentlemen, please give a warm welcome to Brandon Scott, with his latest tale of misery and the unsung, Lonely! CLICK HERE to read!
And, from O.L. Percivall, the third in a series of authentic, raw journal entries that will show you how deep the Rabbit Hole really goes. People of Earth, we give you the next chapter of Misadventures in Augmented Reality! CLICK HERE to read! (NOTE: Earlier entries should be read prior to this one in order to be eased into the style found herein, as it is not necessarily akin to most literary works you might be familiar with. Check out Misadventures in Augmented Reality: Part I – The Ultimate Frequencyand Part II before reading this one!)
Now, as the Fictionmonger, it’s my job to keep you update on what’s happening in the world of Friday Fiction. As you may or may not know, it’s been a few weeks since the last Path to Nowhere came out, and we told you you’d be seeing it this week. Unfortunately, Path to Nowhere has been canceled. HAH! Gotchya! We knew you’d fall for that one! No, Path to Nowhere hasn’t been and will not be canceled anytime soon. So, with that said, where is latest episode? Well, the creator of the series D. Alexander would like everyone following the series to know, once again, that he won’t have any episodes published until they are ready. That said, he doesn’t want expectations to rise too high, as the tale might be crushed under such weight. The fact is, Path to Nowhere is an intricately crafted series and, as such, must be given great care in its production. So, have no fear, it will be released, but let time be no consideration on the matter, yes? Patience is a virtue, a sound one, and there’s quite a lot of other material around here to keep a hungry reader busy!
So read away, Fictioneers! Read to your heart’s content! And just remember, THE FUTURE is in YOU!
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