Remember those old TV Prep pieces we ran? Well, TV Prep is now Last Time, where we take a look at last week’s episode to get you pumped for tonight’s!
—The Editor
First Aired March 13th, 2015.
This episode of 12 Monkeys constantly jumps around from one time period another. It gives viewers a sense of what Cole (played by Aaron Stanford) is always going through.
Cole is trapped in Chechnya, 2017, where the outbreak is worldwide and has claimed millions of lives. He sees a television broadcast where Cassandra (played by Amanda Schull) urges immune people to come to the CDC to help create a vaccine. Cole tries to leave the city but the army shoots anyone who does so. However, when a soldier sees a tattoo on Cole’s arm, he is given a military escort to the United States. Cassandra had put the word out for Cole to be brought to her at the CDC if and when he resurfaced. Unfortunately, Cassandra is sick and is close to death when Cole gets to her. Cassandra tells Cole she can’t tell him everything that happened from 2015 because she doesn’t want to risk destroying the timeline. She does give Cole a piece of paper with an important address that can save his life and dies in his arms.
I was hoping to see more rioting and craziness as people were trying to survive the plague and get a better idea of what it was like during that time. That said, Jennifer Goines (played by Emily Hampshire) brought some crazy with her fanatical ramblings to the people in quarantine. That was a fun cameo and I hope we see a cult created by Jennifer or someone else, they always create lots of drama.
While I’m sure whatever is on that paper is important, I doubt it’ll mean much in the grand scheme of things. The address will likely bring Cole on the heels of a lead and continue the cycle of everyone running in circles.
Meanwhile, in 2043, Jones (played by Barbara Sukowa) wants to steal the energy core from Colonel Foster (played by Xander Berkeley) at the Spearhead military facility. She tells her soldiers that his claims of curing the everchanging virus are lies and the only way to save humanity is to see their mission through. Jones confronts and kills Foster and her men massacre several scientists and soldiers and take the core. Ramse (played by Kirk Acevedo) gets his ex-girlfriend Elena (played by Amy Sloan) and their young son out of Spearhead during the raid. Elena claims she saw Foster’s cure work and Ramse begins to doubt Jones and her intentions. Jones is later shown burning some of Foster’s research which confirmed that he had found a cure. When Cole returns from the future, Ramse tells him his concerns but Cole remains determined to continue the mission.
If Jones and Foster met in the middle with their beliefs instead of being on opposite extremes they could have worked together, but that would have been boring. Foster thought going back in time was blasphemous and that everyone should accept the loss of billions. That was insane because Jones could still continue her work and his development of a cure would have ensured humanity’s survival if she failed.
I think Jones destroyed all of his research because she was afraid people would be content with curing the virus instead of stopping it from happening. Her judgement was clouded by her desire to reclaim her lost family and Cole has no choice but to continue his mission because Jones has seen to it that it is the only option now.
Flashbacks from 2041 show how Ramse and Cole tried to rob soldiers from the facility which led to their capture. While beaten in custody, Jones discovers who Cole is and tells him about his fate to save the world but he refuses to accept it. He tries to escape with Ramse, but Ramse prevents them from leaving, believing Cole should join the cause.
I was curious to find out how these two joined and this was the best episode to do that in. With the narrative already jumping through several time periods, it fit nicely. The only real surprise from the plot was that it was Ramse who first pushed Cole to sign up, which set up the irony that Ramse is now the biggest supporter of leaving.
Quotes & Thoughts
“Do you remember the first year underground? No windows, No sunshine. I lost all sense of time. I felt as though I was choking.”
There should be a few episodes that take place in one time period. The constant jumping through time is getting a little old.
“Consider my offer but don’t ask again for my core.” “I am not here to ask. I will have your core. The only thing undecided is whether you will give it to me or if I must take it.”
If I was in the future and knew I would either die or be erased from time, I’d live it up every day.
Catch the next episode of 12 Monkeys tonight on Syfy at 9/8c! You can even watch full episodes online by clicking HERE. Also, if you enjoyed Manny’s trip through time, you can find the rest of his work right HERE on Sci-Fi Bloggers. You should follow him on Twitter as well @KN_Manny.
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