Friday Fiction: Records of The Nightmare Slurry

LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, may I have your attention, please?! You’ve been patient! You’ve been diligent! You’ve been loyal! Now, for demonstrating such tremendous qualities, such incredible attributes, such unbelievable resolve, you shall be rewarded! Friends, bloggers, Earthlings, lend me your ears! The time has come, yet again, for you to get your proper dose of excitement, adventure, and intrigue! People of the Net, without further delay, I present to you this week’s FRRRRRRRRRRIDAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYY FICTIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!
…Sam, play it.
*Cue music.*
Hello, dear reader. Today’s story is another strange one. Another exploration of form and ideas.
Though it is a little less experimental than last week, we must say. There are no obvious robots in this one.
What there is, instead, is a discovery.
Someone, at some point, made something called a “Nightmare Slurry.” And they wrote down its recipe. Recorded the no-doubt nightmarish process of making it.
And now someone’s found that recipe.
CLICK HERE for a glimpse of it. A chance to know what secrets were left in the dark.
tuning off…
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