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Countdown to True Blood: Season Two, Part Two

Bill’s maker, Lorena, shows up at the hotel via Eric’s invite. We see a flashback of Lorena and Bill from the 1920’s during prohibition, partying with a married couple. They go back to the couple’s home where they eat and kill them both and then have sex on the blood drenched bed. These flashbacks continue on to the decline of their relationship, where Bill doesn’t want to continue this cruelty for sport. He claims that Lorena has lost her humanity and stolen his. She finally says the words, “As your maker, I release you.” They’ve parted ways ever since.

Tara and Eggs are on a road trip when Eggs asks Tara to pull over. He begins to remember this place where he’s never been. Out in the woods, they find blood soaked clothes and rocks that bring Eggs to tears, not understanding why he knows that he’s been there.

When they arrive home, the entire house is trashed and they follow a trail of clothes out to a field where it seems the whole town is having a giant orgy. Maryann is doing her weird dancing and shaking thing and Tara and Eggs end up joining in.

Isabel, one of Godric’s followers, enlists her human lover, Hugo, to help Sookie infiltrate the Fellowship of the Sun. However, as they’re taking a tour around the church, Sookie taps into Steve and Sarah’s thoughts and realizes that they know who she is.

Steve locks Hugo and Sookie down into the basement, to Sarah’s dismay. She finds comfort in Jason and they become much, much closer.

Meanwhile, Jason and Luke (one of Jason’s Fellowship friends) have been enlisted to build a platform where Godric will “meet the sun.”

When Sam asks Daphne about the giant scars on her back, she confesses that she still doesn’t actually know what happened. The creature came up behind her and she was sick for days.

Sam and Daphne decide to shapeshift one evening into Dean the Dog and the giant pig that keeps popping up. Andy slams on his breaks when they run into the road, exclaiming, “I know that pig!” He dashes into the woods, shouting for the pig.

When Sam asks her why she shifted into a pig, she laughs and replies that she always turns into a pig.

Upset that his mother canceled his phone, Hoyt drives all of the way to Dallas to apologize to Jessica for not texting or calling. They both confess to being virgins and decides that they want to be each other’s first time.

Turns out Daphne’s been working for Maryann. Sam is held down and taken to the weird field orgy where Maryann puts on this bull’s head helm that begins to move like it’s become part of her.

Still chasing after the pig, Andy walks in on the sacrificial orgy and shoots his gun off into the air. All of the black-eyed townspeople begin screaming and Sam escapes. When he finally finds Daphne and confronts her, she explains that her weird magic doesn’t work on supernatural beings. When Sam asks what Maryann is, she claims that Maryann is Maenad.

As Hugo begins to freak out down in the basement, claiming that he is severely claustrophobic, Sookie reads his mind and realizes that Hugo is working the Fellowship. At first, he was very loyal to Isabel, but he was angered that she wouldn’t turn him into a vampire and became a double agent.

Gabe, one of the Fellowship’s men, shows up and tells Sookie that her own kind is good enough for her. As he’s attacking her, Godric shows up and saves her by killing Gabe. Eric shows up and Godric commands Eric to take Sookie and to not kill anyone on his way out. Godric stays behind.

When Steve realizes that Sookie is Jason’s sister, they turn on him believing that he was smart enough to be tricking them this whole time. While Jason’s on the run, Sarah tracks him down and pulls a gun on him. She shoots him with a paintball gun, telling him that he’s worse than Judas.

Daphne is waiting for Maryann when Eggs shows up with black eyes and stabs Daphne. He runs to Tara, upset because he can’t remember the past two hours.

Bill finally escapes his room from Lorena and walks in on Jessica and Hoyt having sex. She is mortified, but Bill doesn’t seem too surprised. He tells Hoyt that if he cares for Jessica at all, to take her home in Bon Temps before dawn. Bill rushes off to the church to find Sookie.

When Jason hears that his sister is being held hostage, Jason ditches Sarah in the go cart and surpasses the lockdown guards with his honesty ring.

He stops Steve from killing Eric and then as a large group of vampires are about to massacre the church, Godric tells them all to stop. When Godric asks Steve if he’d agree to peace, Steven states that Jesus will save him. Godric admits that he predates Jesus, and that he is sorry that he never met him. He orders everyone to leave in peace.

Before they leave, Jason tells Steve about his affair with Sarah. They leave Steve alone and upset in the church.

Sam receives a hang-up call from Merlotte’s and heads back into his restaurant. When he gets there, he finds Daphne in the freezer with her heart ripped out. His first instinct? Cover her in trash bags. He then thinks better and calls the sheriff’s department, but before he says a thing they’re already there, knocking on his door.

The police are questioning Sam about Daphne’s body, when Andy gives them an alibi, claiming that it was the crazy bull with claws in a dress.

Maryann is making a lovely soufflé featuring Daphne heart. She serves it up to Tara and Eggs and they begin feasting on the bloody concoction.

Once they’ve devoured the entire soufflé, they begin hitting each other and laughing.

When Jessica and Hoyt return home, they begin to pick up where they started. It’s soon discovered that Jessica has a never-ending hymen that will automatically grow back.

Isabel brings Hugo to Godric, claiming that he is the one who betrayed them. When Godric asks if she loves him, she confesses that she does but begs him to do as he pleases with him. Godric allows Hugo to leave safely, showing that he is a kind, compassionate sheriff.

When Lorena tries to stir up trouble between Bill and Sookie, Godric stops her and banishes her from his area. While Bill is escorting Lorena out of the nest, Luke walks in with a suicide bomb wrapped in silver chains. He detonates it, killing himself and several other vampires around him.

Eric shields Sookie and becomes embedded with silver, he begs her to suck silver out like a snake bite. He deceived her into drinking his blood so that he will now have a blood link to her so that he will always know where she is and how she feels. She starts to feel sexually attracted to him, having dirty dreams.

Sam is taken to the police station and a lot of the townspeople are locked up, rowdy and confused as to what happened. Maryann goes to find Sam, but he had fled as a fly.

After getting into a fight with Lafayette over the bruises, Tara and Eggs are playing and drinking with Maryann. Sam literally becomes a fly on the wall as Lafayette brings Tara’s mom to take her away. Tara gets upset and her eyes turn black as she begins to physically fight her mother. Lafayette picks up Tara and drags her screeching out of the house. They hop into the car and drive away.

Lafayette ties her to a chair while they try to get her off whatever drugs she’s riding on.

Maryann bewitches all of Merlotte’s to find Sam, who has gone to Andy’s to hide.

It is revealed that Godric was not kidnapped by the Fellowship of the Sun, but gave himself up willingly. He confesses to Eric that he is ready to die as Eric pleads with him and threatens to force him to live. As dawn is approaching, Sookie stays with him as Eric is commanded to go.

Sookie tells Godric that she is afraid for him and he replies, “I want to burn.” He doesn’t die in a messy way, all of the other vampires, and it’s actually beautiful.

When Sookie and Jason return home, the town is in utter chaos. Everyone is half-naked, looking for Sam, and making messes. When they return to Bill’s home, Hoyt’s mother is crazed with black eyes and Jessica and Hoyt update them on what’s going on.

Meanwhile, Maryann is building a giant meat structure covered in flowers, vegetables, feathers, and other assorted things.

When Sam gets a call from a frightened Arlene, he goes to Merlotte’s to help her and Terry. It was obviously a trick, and the black-eyed crew chase him into the freezer. Andy and Sam locked themselves inside.

Jason comes into Merlotte’s with a nail gun and “threatens” to shoot Arlene in the head. This somehow temporarily breaks his trance and he orders everyone to vacate the restaurant. He retrieves Sam and Andy from the freezer when Terry and the rest corner them once again. Sam decides to give himself to the mob to spare Andy and Jason.

Tied to a pick-up truck, Sam is surrounded by the mob until some flashy lights and a gas mask disguise Jason as the god that they were all waiting for. He claims that he will smite Sam and, just as he announces it, Sam turns into a fly. Everyone runs to tell Maryann!

Maryann and Sookie finally comes face to face and Bill tries to kill her by biting. He begins the throw up black stuff, and Sookie uses some kind of light from her hand to keep Maryann at bay. Maryann asks the question that has been asked since the beginning, “What are you?” Obviously, Sookie has supernatural powers that surpass mere telepathy.

Lafayette is making absolutely no progress with Tara when Sookie shows up and tries to listen into her mind. It’s blocked and Bill glamors her to the point where Sookie can finally get in. Seeing all of the things she had done while she was blacked out brings Tara back from the black-eyed state.

No one will allow Tara to go and find Eggs until she finally convinces her mom to let her go. Sookie and Lafayette rush to retrieve her. When they arrive at Sookie’s house, Lafayette becomes infected by Maryann and goes after Sookie, who finds a giant nest with an unhatched egg.

Maryann reveals that Tara is the one who summoned her all along, back in the first season when she killed her hallucination of herself. Miss Jeanette wasn’t real, but rituals can be very powerful. Maryann brings back black-eyed Tara and the madness continues.

Arlene’s children show up at Sam’s and convinces him that they need a vampire to help so they drive over to Fangtasia to ask Eric. Eric seems to really like the children, and basically flies away to meet with the queen of Louisiana.

Hoyt’s mother grows so obnoxious that Jessica bites her. Hoyt angrily leaves, upsetting Jessica. When Hoyt takes his mother home, she tells him that his father didn’t die protecting them–he killed himself.

Bill approaches the vampire queen of Louisiana, Sophie-Ann, about Maryann. She tells him that Maryann has convinced herself she’s immortal and imagined herself into existence. Eventually, she reveals that in order to kill Maryann, she has to be tricked into beliving that she has summoned her god and then be killed by him.

Sookie is taken downstairs to Maryann, who is wearing her Gran’s wedding dress and is told that she will be Maryann’s maid of honor. She claims that she will be marrying her god and that Sam will be her gift. The egg turns out to just be an ostrich egg, a sign of fertility. Jason and Andy become black-eyed infected as the ceremony is about to begin.

Bill brings Sam in exchange for Sam and the ceremony begins! The bull’s head helmet is placed on top of the giant meat tower and the egg is placed where the “heart” of the statue would be. Sam is brought forth and stabbed in the chest by Eggs, Sam tells Sookie to destroy “all of it.” She grabs the egg and throws it to the ground before knocking over her tower.

Maryann chases Sookie into the woods where a giant, white bull comes forward. Believing that it is her husband, Maryann goes to him. He digs his giant horn into her chest, and believes that she herself is the vessel. The bull turns into Sam and he pulls her black heart out.

She looks at him in shock and asks, “Was there no God?” He crushes her heart and she shrivels up and dies. Sam heals on Bill’s blood and everything’s going to be okay! Well, everything except for Eggs. He’s having some serious problems dealing with not knowing what he did, especially waking up with blood on his hands. He begs Sookie to help him find those lost memories and he begins to remember.

Eggs goes to Andy waving a huge knife, yelling and telling Andy to arrest him. Jason sees the scene from afar and shoots Eggs in the head, thinking that Eggs was trying to kill Andy. Andy takes the gun from Jason and tells him that he wasn’t here and takes the blame for shooting Eggs.

Bill rents out an entire fancy French restaurant for his and Sookie’s date night. The season ends with Bill giving Sookie plane tickets to Vermont (where vampire marriage is legal) and asks her to marry him. Sookie is unsure and runs off to the restroom. She calms herself and then runs back out, shouting, “Yes!” Ah, and of course, Bill’s gone, with obvious signs of a struggle.

If you enjoyed Amanda’s review, you can find the rest of her work right HERE on Sci-Fi Bloggers. You can also follow her on Twitter @ErukaMoseley.

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Amanda Chambers

I'm currently pursuing my bachelor's degree in television with a concentration in writing and producing. I'm a former thespian, avid television viewer, and a bit of a book nerd. A few of my fandoms include Harry Potter, anything by Joss Whedon, Doctor Who, George R R Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire series, and Orphan Black.

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