While movies and shows keep getting better, Youtube is a medium in itself. A vast, huge, sometimes hard-to-navigate wilderness of the strange and wonderful. And, in traveling through it, I don’t want you to waste your time with anything but the BEST.
So, in no particular order, mostly unranked, and with subcategories, I present the first of a sporadic series: “Top Ten Youtube Channels You Should Be Watching.”
Now, keep in mind, these are all my opinions, and it’s fine and human if you don’t agree with me. But, I do spend a lot of time on Youtube, so at least trust me enough to give these channels and these creators a shot.
I don’t think you’ll be disappointed.
So, strap in, find a secure wifi hotspot, and LETS. GET. GOING!
Some channels I list will be smaller, less popular ones. This is not one of those. You’ve probably heard of this channel before: but if you are not watching it, what are you doing? It’s full of groan-worthy puns and odd logical leaps based on weirdly specific details–and I say that as a true positive. It’s entertaining and endearing. Give it a click.
Yes, I chose videos with Rick and Morty twice as examples–it’s not like I want to catch up on season 3 or anything…
Anyway. ScreenPrism is a weirdly calming, analytical series. Breaking down popular media into little video essays and presenting themes and ideas almost like chapters from a textbook. They’re not flashy, but they’re interesting and worth a click.
Quite possibly the best Youtube channel I have ever seen when it comes to filmmaking. Bar none. Actual and for real. I don’t care if you’ve never given a thought to making movies, one video from this channel will spark it in you. Funny, brilliant, masterful, it can change entire movies for you. Give it a click, if only for the fact it might alter you forever.
Quite possibly the best Youtube channel I have ever seen when it comes to screenwriting. Bar none. Actual and for real….wait…did anyone else experience deja vu there…?
Anyway. If you’ve ever wanted to write a script, this might be required viewing. It breaks down famous scenes and stellar movies into their bare bones and gets you to think with the pieces. Doesn’t matter what you like to write, even if it’s not for a film, this is truly excellent information. Click it at your soonest convenience.
Do not ask me how to pronounce that name. I don’t know. What I do know is he’s good. The videos I’ve watched of his have a charm to them that keeps you engaged. It’s something about his voice, I think. I don’t get what it is, but his vocal range invites you into his headspace. And, thankfully, once you’re there, he’s got some interesting stuff to say about movies you might never have seen. His stuff is intriguing enough for a click.
In a spooky mood? Well, he’s got you covered. He doesn’t only do horror, but he’s really good at covering it when he does. His videos are smart, interesting, and, yes, a bit pretentious. But, sometimes, I think a dash of pretentiousness enhances certain things. His editing is also on point and you can tell he spends a lot of time perfecting and improving his art. Give him a chance; give it a click.
Animation is not just for kids, and CellSpex is an awesome channel that talks about animation. I don’t actually need to say anything else on this, but, I will, if only to increase the odds of you giving her a chance. Her videos are well put together, she releases them at a good rate, and, best of all, she breaks out sock puppets sometimes. I am always excited when she releases her latest “Worst To Best” video for the year.
Again, you might have heard of this one, and, lately, it’s become a series of in-jokes and references. You kind of have to start at the beginning and be fairly movie savvy to get certain parts of their current videos. But, with that said, it’s also a ton of fun once you’ve gotten into the groove. So, yeah, get clicking, and I’ll see you in like three, four days?
I love that opening music on his videos. It totally doesn’t fit with his voice (I always expect a rapper to start going at it) but, anyway…HoustonProductions1 is an excellent series of video essays with an enthusiastic host. His love of movies and culture bleed through in his videos, and he usually has a fresh take on the things he covers. Unlike a lot of the channels on this list, he doesn’t have a gimmick or trademark way of doing things, but, instead, just has solid click-worthy analytical movie reviews.
The editing! Jeez is that editing good. Now, while a title like “The Royal Ocean Film Society” sounds dry and stale–the channel is not at all. “TROFS,” like a lot of entries on this list, is a video essay channel: you’ll find that’s a popular format nowadays. But, at least with the video above, it’s still unique among its peers. Give it a click and dive right into its ocean.
Whew, that was not easy to narrow down my picks. If this article had honorable mentions, we’d be here all day. And, I’m sure, you had your own list of channels you’d thought I’d mention. So, if I missed any great ones, please, post them in the comments below–I’m always looking for new Youtube channels to watch–and I hope to see you next time we go diving into the wonderful world of Youtube videos.
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