RPG Addicts Beware
Time in RPGs
With the recent release of ‘The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim’, the time of the RPG (role-playing game) is once again upon all avid gamers. These genera above all can generally consume more time than other types of games as they offer a large, open immersive world in which the player can explore, interact with hundreds of resident characters and battle hundreds of enemies. So with this in mind, it’s worth looking at how you can make the most of your time in Skyrim without over doing it!
Firstly, we must give credit where credit is due; it doesn’t take long to realise Skyrim is everything that we were promised. With improved graphics, gameplay and a much more fluid combat engine, Skyrim gives an RPG experience that we have never seen presented with such quality and detail. The sense of complete freedom to roam the wilderness and build a character from scratch is enthralling; making moral decisions that can affect your in-game reputation can make for a very convincing social system and adds to the overall sense of realism within the world of Skyrim.
Time Tracking
Throwing yourself into Skyrim is without a doubt one of the best RPG experiences available to date; but as with many RPGs, Skyrim can be incredibly time consuming and hours can fly by with little effort. The theory is always the same with RGPs; the longer you play the better it gets; new equipment and skills become available to you as your character develops. This is what pushes players to stay and play longer; the urge to further develop your in-game character can add an extra two hours to a gaming session without a second thought.
Spending too much time in open world RPGs is a common problem (particularly in massive multi player RPGs) and over exposure can encourage late nights, missing work and late schoolwork assignments. So when (not if) you find yourself spending a little too much time aback your trusty steed, maybe it’s time to start assessing exactly how much time is suitable for you or your children to spend in the fantasy worlds of RPGs!
A good way of assessing how much time you have spent in-game is by using the time tracking displayed on the ‘load game’ menu; the majority of RPG games will have this feature. Be sure to allocate time for all of your priorities before getting too involved with these games, if you have any work, assignments or social activities planned then try not to involve the games at all that day; it’s all too easy to let them spill over into your other plans.
Take regular breaks and ensure you are getting plenty of fresh air and sunlight, RPGs are very immersive and it’s not hard to spend four or five hour’s in-game without thinking to take a break. Be sure to spend planty of time in your bathroom suites, many gamer’s personal hygiene can suffer when RPGs become too immersive. And lastly, go to bed on time! Skyrim is a very enthralling game and spending “just five more minutes” completing a mission can easily turn into another hour or two when you get side tracked or attacked out of the blue. If you have a set time at which you go to bed then stick to it,
Always remember to prioritise; these games are tempting to pick up at the busiest of times, and developing your character is a lengthy and painstaking process which is not to be rushed. Skyrim and other RPGs alike are games which are not intended to be rushed; play at your leisure and don’t turn it into a chore.
‘The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim’ is truly one of the most impressive single player RPG experiences available today, a huge immersive world and fascinating character development is sure to give any player hours of entertainment. Just remember to prioritise and play recreationally; appreciate the land of Skyrim one dragon at a time!
Written by Daniel Travis – Brown on behalf of Bathshop321, providers of quality bathrooms suites . Follow him on Twitter at @DanTravisBrown
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that’s because American soteicy conditions your values based on it’s Puritan roots. It teaches you to be offended by swear words and sex, yet be ok with violence.That’s why it’s normal for Americans to be ok with a women seeing decapitated in a movie, but suddenly offended when she engages in sexual relations. While in places lie Europe, violence is censored much more, while sex is more widely accepted within soteicy. In Europe, there is nudity on television much more often.
Having played wetihr 1 and 2 already on PC, I can say that although just going on looks it might be up in the air, bethesda make better games. plain and simple. open world beats invisible walls anyday of the week.
[…] Brown on behalf of Bathshop321 bathroom suites and Sci Fi Bloggers who are the original source of RPG Addicts Beware. Follow him on Twitter @DanTravisBrown addthis_url = […]
WHY can’t they put together an tioeidn with all the DLC’s? This is madness. This is nothing more than a glorified GotY tioeidn. I would really love to get a whole complete bundled tioeidn. What more reason do they need to put it all together?
[…] Brown on behalf of Bathshop321 bathroom suites and Sci Fi Bloggers who are the original source of RPG Addicts Beware. Follow him on Twitter […]