Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention, please? You’ve been patient. You’ve been diligent. You’ve been loyal. Now, for demonstrating such tremendous qualities, such incredible attributes, such unbelievable resolve, you shall be rewarded! Friends, bloggers, Earthlings, lend me your ears! The time has come, yet again, for you to get your proper dose of excitement, adventure, and intrigue! People of the Net, without further delay, I present to you this week’s Friday Fiction!
This week, we have a story for you from the bold and insightful O.L. Percivall! It is yet another revealing continuation of his ongoing series, Misadventures in Augmented Reality! CLICK HERE to read! Ah, what’s that? You need to do some catching up? Well, look no further, my comrades, than The Ultimate Frequency, the blog where YOU can find every part of Mr. Percivall’s innovative series available FOR FREE!
And that’s all for this week folks. Please tune in next time for–what? Oh, what’s this? What, are you crazy? Wait a minute now, it’s not even fin–what? A preview? My God, why didn’t we think of that before? Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention, please? We normally would not do this, but since a certain project you’ve been waiting for isn’t quite complete yet, albeit DAMN NEAR CLOSE, we figured we’d give you a taste of what lies ahead. So, without further ado, my friends, my brothers, my sisters, my aunts, we present to you…
All right, that’s all for this week folks. Please tune in next time for a MEGA DOSE of the fiction YOU LOVE! If you thought our TRIPLE THREAT was a big deal, wait until you get a load of this!
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