Felix Dawkins is the unofficial star of Orphan Black. This is not an easy task to achieve, as he shares the platform with a set of amazingly feisty and intelligent women. The task becomes more difficult still when realizing that Felix comes from a dwindling portion of characters that aren’t played by Tatiana Maslany. His host is Jordan Gavaris, and although he doesn’t share clone DNA, he’s more than a brother to them. He’s their stability in a world that constantly wants things from them, and therefore, the heart of OB.
The Sass. Felix’s sass is unparalleled. He adds something to the equation that the other clones probably couldn’t bring to the table (well, maybe a mix of Cos and Alison). You can always count on Fe for a witty interjection or to lighten the mood. Sometimes, the girls get so serious or if there’s a very intense part in the show, Fe’s there to calm everyone down. He acts as a buffer in an extreme event. The best part of Fe’s commentary is that he always speaks the truth and sees a situation for what it really is. If you’re not in your place, he will knock you back in with his words. Every single time that Fe appears on the screen, I know he will bring laughs and banter that will steal the show.
Creative. I still cannot get over the leather cutouts from the premiere episode of season two. Yes. No, actually yaaassss is more appropriate! He always seems either overdressed or underdressed in most cases, especially in the presence of Sarah. Felix’s wardrobe is a direct connection to his personality. He’s a risk taker and a showstopper. Although his clothes are usually black, they are dramatic, yet not over the top. His clothing is a unique representation of his artistic nature. He has paintings all over his apartment and can be seen creating various versions of the clones on canvas. He has the words “Rimbaud” in the background of his work space, alluding to Arthur Rimbaud, the famous French poet that specialized in surrealism of the written word. Funny enough, Felix’s paintings can also drift into surrealistic territory.
All My Seestras. Although Felix is the foster brother of only Sarah, he’s taken all of the clones under his wing. The ties that bind him and Sarah are extended to Cosima, Helena, and Alison because of his love for Sarah. Through this entire adventure, each member of the clone club has spent a considerable time at Felix’s place (much to his dismay, but not enough for him to kick them out). While staying with him and working as a team to uncover the mysteries behind their creation, Felix has developed a close relationship with each of them. There have been seen where Cos, Alison, and Sarah have come to Felix to unload a burden or ask for help. He serves them as a confidant and makes them feel safe. He also attempts to talk them out of the foolhardy, spur of the moment, most likely dangerous decisions that they’re accustomed to making. In many ways, Fe provides reason and logic, constantly battling the storms of their emotions and dilemmas, while trying to navigate his own life.
Ride or Die! Felix will do anything and everything for his sisters. He probably has done everything. He’s been shot at, held hostage, is currently facing criminal charges, the list goes on and on. He’s the most trustworthy and reliable character in OB because his loyalties lie exclusively with the clone club. They’re his family, and nothing will tear him away from that (unless he believes betrayal will in some way help them). He goes above and beyond for them in ways that I don’t even think I could for my own sisters, and we’re related by blood.
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