An Interview with a Joss Whedon Fanboy on The Avengers
Joss Whedon; a cult writer like no other. Smartly written television, witty dialogue, touching and moving characters, people with personality and hot chicks with superpowers (all in the name of gender equality and thirteen year old’s wet dreams). One of the most prolific television writers, he tends to soar under the radar every once in a while creating some very noticeable blips with his new show or movies. One thing that can be said is he has one defining fandoms of any writer. Loyal and at times rabid needing to be approached with sticks. With the success of The Avengers following the long-waited release of Cabin in the Woods it should only be known that his fans are finally satiated, Whedon has been recognized, his name is known. Here at Sci-Fi Bloggers I sat down to talk with Your Typical Joss Whedon Fanboy leaving a movie theater before stuffing him into a van and asking him his reaction to The Avengers.
AR: So, let’s not waste time with names, what was your initial reaction to The Avengers?
YTJWFB: Why am I in a van?
AR: Answer the question and I’ll give you candy.
YTJWFB: Okay, well I really liked it. Like really liked it.
AR: As a fan of Joss Whedon, were there any aspects of the writing that immediately jumped out at you? Dialogue, any events, characterizations?
YTJWFB: I guess maybe the dialogue and the character of Coulson stood out in mind. I mean it wouldn’t be a Whedon film without-
AR: What about Hawkeye? Anything considerably interesting about him?
YTJWFB: I don’t think so. I thought he was pretty cool considering he really didn’t appear as much as the rest of the team- you still understood his character.
AR: So, you think he was gay?
YTJWFB: Gay? I guess- maybe. I mean not really part of the actual story. Definitely looked like he had a thing for Black Widow.
AR: You’re right; Banner definitely seemed more like the type. Quite, reserved nicely dressed. But, Whedon has to have had somebody in the closet.
YTJWFB: Right… I mean I definitely think it was a great film.
AR: Yes, there has been some talk that has superhero movies go, based off of the box office success alone; it may be considered better than The Dark Knight– what’s your take on this is?
YTJWFB: The Dark Knight I feel was really hyped because Heath Ledger’s death- not to take away from his performance of the Joker- that was phenomenal. But as far as superhero movies go, I’d wager that The Avengers was probably at least a little better.
AR: You’re gonna get the good candy.
YTJWFB: I’m sorry?
AR: Oh nothing. So for Whedon, what do you think the success will amount to in his career?
YTJWFB: Maybe a little more prominence as a writer, a little more weight and notice by producers and everything. More accessibility as far as filmmaking goes. I think for the longest time he was under the radar because-
AR: Under the radar? Uh, Dollhouse, Doctor Horrible’s Sing-Along-Blog. I think that accounts for tiny blips on the radar at least.
YTJWFB: I guess, a little. I mean Dollhouse while it had some shining moments- on the whole wasn’t the best. And Dr. Horrible only came along because of the Writer’s Strike so-
AR: Well, maybe you just weren’t bright enough to recognize father’s brilliance in Dollhouse?
YTJWFB: …I, did you just say “father”?
AR: Well, I hear that’s how some of his inner fandom refers to him as. Not a biological father- they can only dream…*sigh*. As one of fath- Whedon’s fans what were some of the other works of his you have watched?
YTJWFB: I only ever watched Firefly a few times. When Dollhouse came out I tried to get into it, but because it was Fox you knew it wasn’t going to last.
AR: No Buffy, Angel? Serenity?
YTJWFB: …not really.
YTJWFB: You’re the one who took me into your van!
AR: Well, who’s the idiot then? Let’s continue, do you think The Avengers will positively or negatively affect Whedon’s career?
YTJWFB: Positively- as far as movie fanatics and comic fanatics go, he’s a household name right now.
AR: So you think the film companies are to be trusted?
YTJWFB: For the most part. I take it you don’t?
AR: I’m not fond of executive meddling.
YTJWFB: Well, I’m not really either, but I can understand some of their –
AR: Out of the van!
YTJWFB: But you promised me candy!
AR: You can’t be trusted!
YTJWFB: Is that Serenity on the side of your van!
AR: Leave poser! You probably didn’t even know who he was before The Avengers!
YTJWFB: I’m calling the cops.
AR: You can’t take the sky from me!
*Picture a long, pathetic struggle as only two geekly men can, with hair pulling and shin kicking before YTJWFB runs away and the Serenity clad van speeds off*
Okay, you caught me- I’m the Joss Whedon fanboy and while at one point in my life I may have been this obsessive, I did in fact get better. As far as Whedon and his newfound success goes, as a fan, I couldn’t have been happier and prouder. I can admit that not all of Whedon’s work is phenomenal, Dollhouse, for instance and my hopes aren’t high for the Much Ado About Nothing filmed in his house over a weekend, but for the most part he can write a pretty mean story with some pretty cool characters to put it mildly. Unlike most other writers in television, he recognizes the importance and loyalty that is fans has and acknowledges them for it and as a whole that something I can admire. As a Whedon fan, and a Marvel fan The Avengers was all I could have hoped for and with his recognition with it, I can only hope that more of Whedon’s work will be recognized and watched.
And if not, my van serves for more than just interviews. If catch my not so subtle drifts. And by that I mean murder of the naysayers…I jest. Sort of.
*Please note that note that the above interview is entirely fictional and there was no bribery of candy or kidnapping involved.
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