A Look At The Lazarus Effect

February may be a time for love and hearts and all that mush, but let’s talk about loving someone so much that we would use a questionable serum to get their heart to beat again, huh?

So it’s not a true story, but it is the plot for the upcoming film, The Lazarus Effect. The film features a killer cast that you wouldn’t expect in the horror genre. Olivia Wilde plays Zoe, a woman who dies in a lab accident while studying serums that can bring animals back to life. Her fiancé, Frank, played by the wonderful Mark Duplass, is so distraught that he decides to disregard ethics and rationality and attempt to bring Zoe to life. The group of scientists are rounded out by rapper/actor Donald Glover, Once Upon A Time’s Sarah Bolger, and, fresh from another season of American Horror Story, Evan Peters.

Here are two trailers for the film:

It doesn’t seem like the serum was worth it. After Zoe comes back to life, it’s quite obvious that all things are not well. She hallucinates, becomes violent, and takes on a different persona that resembles some kind of possession.

The teasers seem to show off a lot of scares and even spoil some of the deaths in the film. We can already sense that it’s going to come down to her and Frank, and no matter what the ending is it doesn’t strike me as very interesting. The plot is okay. Horror fans should be familiar with 1985’s Reanimator which was semi-based off of a story by H.P. Lovecraft where a man brings his dead professor back to life with horrific consequences. The cast is what excited me. Wilde can probably pull off the character, but I don’t have high hopes for the script written by Shutter’s Luke Dawson and the upcoming Fantastic Four’s Jeremy Slater. Duplass, Peters and Glover are some of my favorite people in the business, so I sincerely don’t want this to suck, but based on all the effects and frightening sequences packed into two trailers, I doubt the film, rated PG-13, has any gas left for the theaters. Let’s hope I’m wrong.

The Lazarus Effect comes out on February 27th.

If you enjoyed Carly’s reanimating, you can find the rest of her work right HERE on Sci-Fi Bloggers. You can also follow her on Twitter @MrsCarlyRodgers.

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