If you play World of Warcraft just like I do, you will agree with me when I say that mount collecting is one of the addictive features of the game. Although there are over 200 mounts available at our very fingertips, that Mountain o’ Mounts achievement (obtain 100 mounts) is easier said than done. So far I have only managed to gather a little over 50, but I’ve seen some hardcore players who have every mount imaginable. Regardless, whether you’re an avid mount collector or not, here are 10 mounts that do not require you to go the extra mile and purchase them from the blizzard store or splurge your cash on trading cards in order to prove yourself. With a little extra game time, you’ll be adding these fantastic mounts to your collection in no time.
1. The Ultimate Guild Perk
Alliance: Golden King
How often do you get to ride the king of the jungle in this game? The Golden King puts all other lions to shame with its size and ferocity. The mount is an excellent symbol of alliance pride with its armor colors and more importantly allows you to show off your loyalty to the guild.
Horde: Kor’kron Annihilator
If you saw Clash of the Titans (2010) and remember those giant scorpions, well here’s your chance to own one of them. The Kor’kron Annihilator is each Horde guild’s pride, all spiked up and reading to some serious clipping.
How to get them?
You only need to purchase them from a guild vendor after your guild reaches level 25, and you need to be exalted. Seems tedious? Join a guild that is already 25, and either constantly run dungeons with your guild or get some Arena going because you get between 300-400 rep/win. Don’t forget to equip that guild tabard at all times!
2. Great Brewfest Kodo
Once brewfest comes around in October, this is the annual reward you would want to celebrate and drink to! One of the best-looking kodos in the game that is available to both Horde and Alliance, don’t let the opportunity slide.
How to get it?
You will need to use the Dungeon Finger and head into Blackrock Depths to access the Coren Direbrew event in order to get the Keg-Shaped Treasure Chest. You’ll only get one keg per day so make sure you run the instance everyday during the festival.
3. Fossilized Raptor
Jurassic Park fans, unite! Here’s your chance to ride a ‘dead’ raptor, or rather just its skeletal composition. The Fossilized Raptor does require a great amount of digging but is definitely a rare sight that will put you under the spotlight.
How to get it?
You will need to pick up Archaeology and constantly gather fossil fragments when you can. Once you discover this baby, it will require an extra 100 fragments to create.
4. Mekgineer’s-Chopper/ Mechano-Hog
If you have a best friend or partner in crime, then this mount is an ultimate must-have (or if some random hops in, you have the pleasure to kick him/her out). The hog/chopper has been everyone’s favorite for a while and the price (17k g average) hasn’t faltered even until now. So if that doesn’t tell you that it’s special, I don’t know what does. Plus, get slow fall up and jump off LM to BS in a game of AB for a great entrance.
How to get it?
Since gold is reasonably easy to farm these days, most of us non-engineers will just snag it from the AH. But if you are one or know someone that can craft it, buddy up to get a possible discount! The schematic is sold by the Horde Expedition/Alliance Vanguard Quartermasters in Borean Tundra or Howling Fjord.
5. Invincible
Okay, here’s a tough one but the rarer it is, the more it’s worth! Invincible is by far one of the coolest looking horses in the game (a flying undead horse, come on now). If you get lucky and snatch this beauty from it’s previous master, you’ll be set for your entire WoW career.
How to get it?
You will need to defeat The Lich King in Icecrown Citadel in Heroic 25. The 5% drop rate makes it seem that it isn’t worth the effort but get a group of friends or guildies together and who knows? Never know until you try.
6. Drake of the East Wind
We’ve seen quite a lot of the TB ones so here’s the equivalent for raiders. The color combination on this drake definitely makes it stand out from its other brothers and sisters, plus the way it looks gives a more serious feel when compared to the softer Netherwing brood and perky Proto-Drakes.
How to get it?
A ton of raiding. This mount is an exclusive reward from the achievement “Glory of the Catatclysm Raider” below.
7. Brown Riding Camel
Hey if Blizz offers us the opportunity to be Arabian lords or ladies, I’ll take it. The Camel mounts are fuzzy, fast and quirky to ride around anywhere.
How to get it?
Raise your rep to become exalted with Ramkahen, Uldum by wearing their tabard and constantly running dungeons. They only cost about 100g, and you’ll also get the achievement “One Hump Or Two?”
8. PvP Rated Battleground Swag
Alliance: Vicious War Steed
The new RBG mount rewards are incredible. If you are a frequent PvPer or just starting to be one, the Vicious War Steed is worth the grind. Armored all over with magnificent detail and spikes, how else would you want to show off your Alliance pride and PvP skill?
Horde: Vicious War Wolf
The most badass looking wolf in the game, the Vicious War Wolf is absolutely fierce, ultimately making it fit for a true PvP master. These two steeds definitely transcend beyond the regular PvP mounts that anyone can purchase off vendors with honor points.
How to get them?
Get a group of regular PvPers, hop on vent and win those RBG matches one after the other. The mounts are rewards from the achievements: Veteran of the Horde/Alliance (Win 75), Veteran of the Horde/Alliance II (Win 150) or Warbringer of the Horde/Alliance (Win 300). That’s not all because you’ll also be getting elite titles to match your new rides.
9. Flametalon of Alysrazor
You may not be getting the gear you want now during raid nights, but raid a little more and you stand a chance at one of the sexiest hawks in the game. The Flametalon of Alysrazor just burns bright and mighty, proving that you have conquered Alysrazor in Firelands. Like Invincible, the drop rates may be extremely low but you could be the lucky one.
How to get it?
This rare mount drops from Alysrazor in Firelands (85 raid).
10. Darkmoon Dancing Bear
I saved the best for last. Ladies and gents, I present to you the Darkmoon Dancing Bear! Easily attainable with effort put into completing the quests at the monthly Darkmoon Faire, you’ll be riding a professional bear than dances anytime, anywhere. Especially fun to dance in front of enemies when you PvP!
How to get it?
Purchase this mount from Lhara <Pet & Mount Prizes> at the Darkmoon Faire in exchange for 180 Darkmoon Prize Tickets. Tip: Do all the fun daily challenges and make sure you run instances or check the AH for tokens such as an Imbued Crystal that you can turn in for 10 tickets each.
Honorable Mention: Ultramarine Qiraji Battle Tank (150 Tol’vir Archaeological Fragments once discovered). Finally, a bug mount that you can flaunt outside Ahn’Qiraj.
Well there you have it. Feel free to comment and include YOUR personal list below! All this mount research has convinced me to log on right now and get some PvP action going. This is Fumie, 85 NE Mage signing out and wishing all of you the best of luck with your WoW adventures.
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