UPDATE: Mass Effect Andromeda First Impressions Round-Up
The media embargo on Mass Effect Andromeda has lifted and with it comes first impressions, detailed game information and preview feedback. As always, we’ve combed our news sources for the best, most insightful and most useful balanced feedback on the game. And… just in time for you to make your final pre-order decision.
Now that the embargo is lifted, Bioware is rapidly releasing game details and preview information. We’ll be keeping you up-to-date as new information becomes available.
In the meantime, we’ve assembled a collection of top initial feedback videos below for your convenience. We scour the interwebs so you don’t have to!
From Games Radar:
From ME Odyssey:
If you haven’t already, be sure to sign up for the Andromeda Initiative to see the mission training videos and earn your free in-game helmet. Mass Effect Andromeda releases on March 21st but Origin Access subscribers will receive 10 hours of early access gameplay opening up on March 16th.
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