Categories: GamesThe Latest

The “Unknown” Games


To help clear any confusion for people out there, “Unknown” refers to games that were released in 2011 and 2012, which were either underrated or overlooked. If you’re deciding on which one to get, maybe ones that became famous, through word of mouth or those hidden gems in the background, waiting for its next owner, then look no further. These types of video games have often been some of the best to date, same can be said for certain films too, “Shawshank Redemption” in particular.

Here’s a short list of the games that could surprise you…

Vanquish. (2010-2011)

This was a late starter, meaning the development started as early as 2007, with its overdue release in 2010, though the release was in fact on this date, it sold over 800,000 copies worldwide making the majority of its popularity peak in 2011. Though this game was a shadow where Mass Effect and Arkham City were concerned, it is possibly one of the most overlooked games of 2011. With plenty of crisp clear graphics, action packed cinematic combat and a good engine to boot; there is a lot to be had here. Great fun! VANQUISHHH! You’ll understand if you play it.

 The Journey (PS3). (2012)

Traditional gamers or those overwhelmed by the variety available can be stuck; unsure to try something different as they play the same titles over and over. But if you find yourself in such a pattern and want to venture out, than I urge you to try out the critically and commercially successful “The Journey” first. It is the fastest and biggest selling game, on the PlayStation Store to date and the reason, why many people probably haven’t played this, is that it’s only available on the Playstation 3 Network.

So calling all Xbox owners, leave Battlefield 3 or Arkham for a moment, and ask your friend with a PS or find some way to download it, as I cannot recommend it enough. Try to be legal however!

Other games I strongly advise a rental or borrow are listed below.

Spiderman: Shattered Dreams. A good outing for “Spidy” and Co, and though it’s not up to “Arkham” quality, to say the least, it still has plenty of combos, and a well webbed plot including lots and lots of webbing.

Darksiders 2: Perhaps pitted against other mainstream titles with an unfortunate release date, or slow build up, but an overlooked game indeed. This deserves more credit than it’s got as it’s surprisingly interesting, but careful though, as a lot of play time can stress you out, as the title is a huge clue as to the atmosphere of the overall game. Dark!

Binary Domain: A squad-based shooter by Toshihiro Nagoshi, the creator behind the critically acclaimed Yakuza series another overlooked game. The year is 2080 and you’re battling robots who think they are human and look very convincing, were talking Terminator good! The gameplay will feel very familiar, if you’re a first person veteran, the graphics are more than acceptable and the story is compelling enough to keep you going.

Transformers: Fall of Cybertron. There aren’t many games overlooked in 2012 and most that have, still had some degree of recognition. But none have been more overlooked than Transformers; it is the best representation in a gaming format, that’s delved into the world, with plenty of explosions. But if you’re still not convinced then try a rent.

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