Darkwing Duck

Darkwing Duck Retrospective Part 2: 2017’s DuckTalesDarkwing Duck Retrospective Part 2: 2017’s DuckTales

Darkwing Duck Retrospective Part 2: 2017’s DuckTales

If the scant episodes of DuckTales featuring Darkwing Duck are anything to go on, then the Disney+ remake will be… Read More

4 years ago
Darkwing Duck Retrospective Part 1: 1991’s Darkwing DuckDarkwing Duck Retrospective Part 1: 1991’s Darkwing Duck

Darkwing Duck Retrospective Part 1: 1991’s Darkwing Duck

This is unfortunate for several reasons. One being because Darkwing Duck is a great show. I understand now why it… Read More

4 years ago