Sci Fi Quotes

Famous Sci-Fi quotes, quotes about science fiction, sci fi movie and TV quotes.

I wish everyone was a sci-fi geek because then there would be no violence in the world. There’d be no wars. There’d only be people e-mailing each other.
Claudia Christian

The possibilities in sci-fi are wonderful. The subject is bigger than everything we know.
Joel Gretsch

Sci-fi nerds are respectful, honorable. You can trust them.
Claudia Christian

I suppose we all loved those kind of sci-fi movies where terrible things came out of swamps and came to Mars. And there’s usually some poor girl. All the guys are trying to desperately handle levers and saying, go to something or other.
Neil Innes

I’m open to sci-fi, but I was never a diehard fan. I have no idea why it keeps following me. I’m extremely lucky, I guess; it’s a lucrative venue.
Yancy Butler

Sci-fi films are the epic films of the day because we can no longer put 10,000 extras in the scene – but we can draw thousands of aliens with computers.
William Shatner

The best thing about Sci-Fi, which is my favorite genre, is that there are no rules for behavior. So you can do anything you want.
Brion James

I think that Star Wars revolutionized not only sci-fi movies, but also the entire industry in the way that things are done.
Peter Mayhew

This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill – the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill – you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes.
Morpheus, The Matrix

Ripley:”There’s an monster inside you, it’s a real nasty one. After you and your friends went into cryosleep, they hijacked your ship, sent them here in a lab to impregnated the monster with “this human”. Soon, the its’ going to burst out through your ribcage, and your gonna die…any questions?” Victim:”Who are you?” Ripley(smiling:”I’m the monster’s mother”
Ripley#2, Alien Resurrection

I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate. All those moments will be lost in time… like tears in rain… Time to die.
Blade Runner

Dead or alive, you’re coming with me.

We’ve been going about this all wrong. This Stay-Puft’s okay! He’s a sailor, he’s in New York…we get this guy laid, we won’t have any trouble!

Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid.
Star Wars – A New Hope

I’m sure that in 1985, plutonium is available in every corner drugstore. But in 1955, it’s a little hard to come by.
Back to the Future

The “Night Rider”… that is his name,the “Night Rider”. Always remember when you look at the night sky.
Toecutter, Mad Max

And just one more thing. On your trip back I’d like you to take the time to learn the Babylon 5 mantra: ‘Ivanova is always right. I will listen to Ivanova. I will not ignore Ivanova’s recommendations. Ivanova is God. And if this ever happens again, Ivanova will personally rip your lungs out’! Babylon Control out…
Ivanova, Babylon 5

How’d you like to spend eternity in five pieces?

Thanks a lot you shit-brained, fuck-faced, ball breaking, duck fucking pain in the ass. – John Spartan, you are fined five credits for repeated violations of the verbal morality statute. – So much for the seashells. See you in a few minutes.
John Spartan, Demolition Man

Ka D’Argo: Zhaan, let me explain to you what’s going on inside my nose right now. There’s large pieces of green mucus gunk…
John Crichton: D’Argo. D’Argo. D’Argo. No, no, no, no. Stop it with the Luxan poetry.

We’re not gonna die. We can’t die, Bendis. You know why? Because we are so…very…pretty. We are just too pretty for God to let us die.
Mal, Firefly

You can’t win, Darth. Strike me down, and I will become more powerful than you could possibly imagine.
Obi wan Kenobi to Darth Vader, SW Episode IV: A New Hope

Excuse me… Excuse me. I’d just like to ask a question… What does God need with a starship?
J. Kirk, Star Trek V: The Final Frontier

Helo: Aren’t you Gaius Baltar? Baltar: I haven’t done anything.
Battlestar Galactica

Outside the government, beyond the police. Fighting for the future on behalf of the human race. The 21st Century is when everything changes — and Torchwood is ready.

McKay: It worked!
Dr. Radek Zelenka: What are you doing?
McKay: Radek! I need to speak to whoever’s in charge of this operation.
Dr. Radek Zelenka: But that’s you.
McKay: I guess I need to speak to me then.
Stargate Atlantis

Pain can be controlled – you just disconnect it.
Kyle Reese, Terminator

Come with me, if you want to live.
Terminator 2

Oh, this has nothing to do with you being a woman. I like women. I’ve just got a little problem with scientists.
Jack O’Neil, Stargate SG-1

Aragorn: Are you frightened?
Frodo: Yes.
Aragorn: Not nearly frightened enough. I know what hunts you.

Gimli: I have the eyes of a hawk and the ears of a fox.
Haldir: The dwarf breathes so loud, we could have shot him in the dark.