The episode, “Oathbreaker”, let’s us know right away that Jon Snow is officially back! He also feels pretty weird about it. He is very much aware that he was stabbed to death, but does not remember anything beyond death. Melisandre has begun to believe that he is the Prince the Lord of Light promised and it was never Stannis at all. Good thing she put his daughter on a stake over a fire, huh?
Oblivious to it all, however, is Sam. Whilst seasick he tells a hopeful Gilly that women are not allowed at the Citadel. He admits that he is taking her and baby Sam to his family home while he studies to be a Maester so they are protected, because they are all that matter to him. It’s nice to see Sam connect to another person besides the one that just came back from the dead.
Bran is still meandering through old family memories with the Three-Eyed Raven and comes across his father’s fight with Ser Arthur Dayne, one of the best swordsman who ever lived. The battle takes place at the famous Tower of Joy where it is eluded to that Lyanna Stark is trapped. All signs point to an epic introduction of the mysterious Lyanna.
Daenerys is not having a great time with the lesser version of Khal Drogo. He insists she stay with a group of widowed women once married to Khals, the Dosh Khaleen. She learns that her fate is in the hands of a group of Khals.
In Mereen, Varys extracts information about the Sons of the Harpy from a woman named Vala who was seen aiding them in the murder of an Unsullied guard. He hits a soft spot by mentioning her son and promises her a place on a boat to Pentos where she can be safe from the Harpy. He takes this information to Tyrion (struggling to chat with Grey Worm and Missandei), who decides that they will send a strong message to the leaders of Astapor, Volantis and Yunkai for financing the actions of the Harpy in Mereen.
After the little birds scatter, Cersei, Jaime and Franken-Mountain meet with Qyburn in King’s Landing to discuss placing spies around to hear if anyone is coming for them. Afterwards, they storm into a small council meeting where the always delightful Olenna Tyrell is present. They insist on sitting on the council and taking action against Ellaria and the Sand Snakes. Instead, the council leaves the room.
King Tommen approaches the High Sparrow to parade his power and orders him to allow Cersei to see the final resting place of his sister Myrcella. Once more the Sparrow tells him that his mother must face trial for her sins. He establishes more about the Mother in the Faith of the Seven and draws similarities to Cersei, but it really solidifies that the Sparrow is waging power over the young King.
Arya is no longer getting whooped by the Waif. I don’t know how many more episodes I can take of “A girl has no name,” but it looks like it won’t be much longer after her interaction with Jaqen. After passing his test he offers her a drink from the poisonous fountain which she accepts, although hesitantly, and receives her sight back. When he asks for her name again her reply is more sure than ever before, “No one.”
Ramsay meets with Smalljon Umber who tells him that the Wildlings have been let through the Wall and he fears they will be moving south alongside Jon Snow. Ramsay offers help if he is sworn in as the Warden of the North, but Smalljon sees through him. He does, however, bring him a gift. Two captured figures who turn out to be Osha and Rickon Stark!
Back at the Wall the traitors must pay. Jon lines them up at the gallows and where a former Jon may have taken mercy, reborn Jon does not. He cuts the rope and four necks crack and four bodies flail before going still. Jon leaves the Wall, citing that his watch is over.
If you enjoyed Carly’s recap, you can find the rest of her work right HERE on Sci-Fi Bloggers. You can also follow her on Twitter @MrsCarlyRodgers.
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