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PRE-VIEW: Doctor Who – Any Moment Now, He’s A-Comin’

Welcome to Pre-view, Post-View! As many of you may know, we here at Sci-Fi Bloggers like to try out different kinds of segments, pieces, etc., every once in a while to see what works and what doesn’t. In Pre-view, Post-view, you’ll get to see the viewpoint of the writer prior to and after the show being reviewed, with a full article for each viewpoint! Let us know what you think in the comments below!

—The Editor

Attention Whovians! The moment you have been (im)patiently waiting for is coming! Or has it already happened? Wibbly wobbly stuff.

Our first glimpse of the new Doctor was so very special. In the 50th Anniversary special, “The Day of the Doctor”, my heart absolutely stopped – “No, sir, all thirteen!” As a nod to the classic series and the new, every past Doctor came together to freeze Gallifrey, but as a special treat we got this quick glance of Peter Capaldi, our 12th Doctor.

That was in November. The BBC spoiled us by showing off a Christmas special a month later that said goodnight to our beloved Raggedy Man, Matt Smith. In the midst of our tears, the 11th Doctor let us know that “any moment now, he’s a’comin’.” That’s right, a sneeze, and the Doctor is replaced by this new man.

Isn’t he a little familiar?

But, wait…ever watch Torchwood?

It’s all coming up Capaldi!

So where is the show going? The Christmas special wrapped up Matt Smith’s tenure and the Anniversary set us up for a new Doctor with a new set of regenerations.

“It’s taken me so many years, so many lifetimes. But at last, I know where I’m going. Where I’ve always been going. Home. The long way ’round.”

The fact that Capaldi has played several roles in the Whoniverse is, hopefully, no coincidence. Russell T Davis, the showrunner during 9&10’s fantastic run, had a plan to tie all of this in. Will he be guest writing? Will we revisit Pompeii? How about the alien from Torchwood, 456? I have some pretty high expectations from this season.

First of all, I need John Barrowman back. Captain Jack Harkness has been missing from the series since Steven Moffat took the reins and I am over it. Jack was there in Torchwood when Capaldi played a major antagonist. He needs to come back. If this all ties in together, c’mon Moffat.

Will we possibly see Catherine Tate (Donna) pop up as well? If Capaldi has a higher purpose, then his guest appearance in Pompeii might be revisited. Donna is my favorite companion, and if I can get some more of that sass, I’m there!

I’d also like to see the Ood again. We’ve only seen them once in Moffat’s seasons, and he was evil. I want my cuddly Ood back.

Grab your sonic screwdrivers and a big plate of jammie dodgers, Whovians! After almost an eight month wait, season eight is here!

Head over to the front page to check out what Amanda thought AFTERWARD!

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Amanda Chambers

I'm currently pursuing my bachelor's degree in television with a concentration in writing and producing. I'm a former thespian, avid television viewer, and a bit of a book nerd. A few of my fandoms include Harry Potter, anything by Joss Whedon, Doctor Who, George R R Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire series, and Orphan Black.

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