Categories: F.F.The Latest

First Ever Veek of Blood Flash Fiction Contest!

You actually thought ve vould leave just because Halloveen came and vent? Bleh! Guess again! My Vampiric Utensils and I have taken over, and ve are here to stay! And this time, getting rid of us von’t be so easy. Bleh!

Vhile ve are here, ve might as vell add a little fun to the mix. I have arranged with your Editor…

Count Spatula turns to a bound and gagged Dylan Alexander. His gaze then returns to you, the reader.

…the creation of two things vhich vill operate in unison. The first is the completion of the short story “Stitches”. Some of you may remember “Part One” and “Part Two”. Vell, the epic conclusion vill be available soon! The end of the veek, to be precise. Ah, and alongside it, ve are running a flash fiction contest for YOU, THE READERS! BLEH! The rules are simple:

  • Submit a flash fiction story of your making to the Editor-in-Chief directly (okomohukaru[at]gmail[dot]com).
  • Stories must be entirely original vorks of prose without any use of specialized terms and characters from or related to any existing franchises, brands, etc.
  • The limit ve have decided upon is 1000 vords, so be concise.
  • The acceptable genres are horror, sci-fi-horror and horror comedy.
  • Try not to be too explicit, graphic or profane. Notice the vord “too” being used. Ve can can accept such vorks, but they must be created in a tasteful manner.
  • Deadline: Friday, November 7th. It is close, so be quick! Tell your friends about it!

That is all for now. Throughout this second Veek of Blood, ve vill be supplying you vith healthy, and perhaps unhealthy, doses of horrific content. Bleh. But don’t vorry, your regular sci-fi news vill be published at the same time.

Enjoy yourselves, and enjoy the Veek of BLOOD! BLEH!

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D. Alexander

Stories are important. Stories feed the mind and inspire the heart. They lift the spirit and challenge the imagination. They have the ability to predict what the future will be, and have the power to reveal the past in a light unseen before. Stories take people to worlds they thought never existed, worlds they thought couldn't exist. But they can, and they do. Stories make them a reality. Stories make them into truth. Don’t underestimate them (don’t tell me you haven’t before, we all have, even me). They are, collectively, the gateway to utopias, dystopias, kingdoms, planets and universes unlike anything on Earth—or, in some cases, all too much like Earth. Stories can wake people up from their brainwashed states and get them active in the world, doing things they wouldn't have had they not heard or read or seen them. Stories can save lives. DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE STORIES, AND DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE YOUR ABILITY TO CREATE THEM.

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