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Friday Fiction: Convenient WorldFriday Fiction: Convenient World

Friday Fiction: Convenient World

Let's look to a possible future, shall we? A world where human needs are met, and technology solves most problems. Read More

3 years ago

Murder Drones: Dark And Hilarious Sci-Fi

If you were tracking—as I was—the creative output of Liam Vickers on YouTube, then Murder Drones seems the obvious next… Read More

3 years ago

It Came From The Archives! “Vampires In 2021: A Defense of Recent Vampire Fiction”

In defending the modern concept of a vampire, you might assume that I’m defending the Twilight series or other trashy… Read More

3 years ago

Halloween Fiction: Nothing But Halloween

LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, may I have your attention, please?! You know what day it is. You know what time it… Read More

3 years ago

Friday Fiction: A Day in The Life of The Fictionmonger

LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, may I have your attention, please?! You’ve been patient! You’ve been diligent! You’ve been loyal! Now, for… Read More

3 years ago

The Paradoxical Escapism of Horror

This is by no means the only reason someone would like horror, but as Halloween fast approaches, it’s the perfect… Read More

3 years ago

Horrid Review: The Horrors Of Extreme Feelings

Horrid is a book about emotions more than anything else. Its plot, its ending, its momentum are all in service… Read More

3 years ago

Friday Fiction: This Endless Lake You Seem To Walk

We promised a ghost story. And we delivered on that promise, dear reader. Read More

3 years ago

Why I Didn’t Watch Trese Episode 2

Trese has an awful first episode. It’s such an underwhelming piece of animated storytelling in almost every regard. I’m probably… Read More

3 years ago

Just Beyond: A Vastly Uneven Anthology Series

By the end of the second episode, it was clear this was more Twilight Zone than pure horror. I wasn’t… Read More

3 years ago