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The Best LOTR for Historic Brawl – Part 5The Best LOTR for Historic Brawl – Part 5

The Best LOTR for Historic Brawl – Part 5

The LOTR set has been out for a while, and millions of Historic Brawl games have likely been played. Personally,… Read More

1 year ago

The Best of LOTR for Historic Brawl – Part 4

And here we are, back again. Almost through the list, and in this part, things get even more powerful. In… Read More

1 year ago

Unspeakably Scary Things Issue #2

The ‘70s are far enough back in history that we don’t have as many recordings. Media can get lost. It’s… Read More

1 year ago

The Best LOTR Cards for Historic Brawl – Part 3

Welcome back! We took a brief break for a topical movie review, but we still have tons of LOTR cards… Read More

1 year ago

Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse: The Best Superhero Movie

The thing about watching Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse is there was no question of if the movie would be good.… Read More

1 year ago

Unspeakably Scary Things Issue #1

Allegedly, a magazine called Unspeakably Scary Things went into circulation back in the ’70s. It was a horror magazine with… Read More

1 year ago

The Best LOTR Cards For Historic Brawl – Part 2

I literally don’t have the time to build every Historic Brawl deck I would love to try. These new LOTR… Read More

1 year ago

The Best LOTR Cards For Historic Brawl – Part 1

Hello, all my fellow nerds! For some people, two of their favorite fantasy properties just met. And, even for people… Read More

1 year ago

Friday Fiction: The Tree Bakery

This story is a trick. The happy title hides a much more terrifying narrative. If you embark on this, you… Read More

1 year ago

It Came From The Archives! “Praise For Extremely Short Art”

Even after all this time, I’m still impressed by Baymax—and that only proves my point. Good writing and excellent storytelling… Read More

1 year ago