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Friday Fiction: I Saw Cubes (Part 1 of 3)Friday Fiction: I Saw Cubes (Part 1 of 3)

Friday Fiction: I Saw Cubes (Part 1 of 3)

So many stories start with something inexplicable happening. Something that seems impossible. In this case, that thing is a cube. Read More

11 months ago

Book Review: I Found a Circus Tent in the Woods Behind My House

I Found a Circus Tent in the Woods Behind My House is a stark contrast to the first book in… Read More

11 months ago

Halloween Fiction: The Halloween Decorations Looked At Me

As is our tradition around here, we’ve got an extra short story for you, delivered by me, your humble Fictionmonger.… Read More

11 months ago

Creature Feature Reviews: “Big Bad” by Chandler Baker

“Big Bad” made for an interesting end to the Creature Feature collection. It’s the only story in it that fits… Read More

11 months ago

Unspeakably Scary Things Issue #8

I stared at the adult person, or adult person-shaped thing, standing there. They didn’t do anything at first. I risked… Read More

11 months ago

Creature Feature Reviews: “Best of Luck” by Jason Mott

“Best of Luck” is pulling as my favorite story in the collection. Although “Ankle Snatcher” is the only one that… Read More

11 months ago

Creature Feature Reviews: “In Bloom” by Paul Tremblay

“In Bloom” just kept missing. Each time the horror felt like it was going to build to something, each time… Read More

11 months ago

Unspeakably Scary Things Issue #7

The open door of The Phobia Box filled my vision. The idea that I could fall into the damn thing… Read More

11 months ago

Creature Feature Reviews: “It Waits In the Woods” by Josh Malerman

If there was an award for the most middle-of-the-road story in this collection, “It Waits in the Woods” would currently… Read More

11 months ago

Creature Feature Reviews: “Ankle Snatcher” by Grady Hendrix

I’m not that easily scared, but “Ankle Snatcher” genuinely freaked me out. The night I read it, I obeyed all… Read More

11 months ago