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5 Awesome YouTube Channels About Games


(Notice: YouTubers are people and hold their own opinions. While this article is promoting content by these creators as worth watching, it does not necessarily promote any beliefs or worldviews the creators may have held, holds, endorsed, or endorses, whether privately or publicly. Videos may contain swearing and violence.)

I defy you to find someone who doesn’t like games. Video games, card games, board games, sports, humans like two things above all else: stories and games. So, we are going to look at Youtuber’s who have a channel focused on games—any type—who are especially entertaining or informative. If you’ve got time to kill, these will do you well.


I don’t even play Yu-Gi-Oh anymore. I haven’t in years. I don’t know the cards, the strategies, none of it. And yet, somehow, these videos are so interesting and explain card rules well enough that I can get what’s happening and even feel the video creator’s passion for the game.


Ah, Magic: The Gathering. A lot’s going on in that game, and it’s seeing a lot of coverage. There are so many channels like The Mana Source and all of them have pros and cons, but I’m highlighting The Mana Source because the host lives and breathes the game. Though, MTGGoldfish is also a great choice and ties for this entry.

Puffin Forest:

Clearly, I need to play more tabletop RPGs. Anyone who’s looked into them knows that truly silly things can happen—and this YouTube channel tells some of those tales. It’s funny, doesn’t require you to understand much about D&D or similar, and the cutesy animation style has a charm to it.

Noah Caldwell-Gervais:

Strap in, this will take a while. The video above was chosen specifically because it’s short. I didn’t want to scare you off too early. Noah creates, almost exclusively, massive, sprawling, in-depth reviews of video games. They are usually more than an hour long, and worth listening to their entirety in one go. His thoughts are interesting, thoughtful, and respectful of the medium. If you want to be very intellectual about games, this would be the channel to binge.

Game Maker’s Toolkit:

Let’s get technical. Ever wanted to make games, or, at the very least, learn how they are made? Welcome to a channel that’ll break everything down and look at how it all ticks. The narrator has a calming, easy to hear and understand voice, and the production levels are top-notch. It’s worth a look if you’ve ever been interested in any aspect of game design.


Now, hopefully, I didn’t just give you too much fodder for procrastination. If you ever find yourself bored, though, consider giving any of these a chance.

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Brandon Scott

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Brandon Scott

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